YWCA Northeastern Massachusetts – A Voice for Women and Girls

Tribute to Women: Nominee Profile Information

Step 2

Below is the form to complete Step 2: Nominee Profile Information in nominating your candidate.

Please note that the form must be completed and submitted in one session – which usually takes 35 to 45 minutes, so be sure you allocate enough time!

Complete all information, and then click ‘Submit’.

Your candidate’s profile will go to a representative, who will share with the Committee.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 28th
Information received after this date will not be considered.

Nominator, please complete:

    YOUR name:

    YOUR mailing address (street/city, st, zip):

    NOMINEE’s name:

    NOMINEE’S mailing address (street/city/st/zip):

    Question 1: Tell us about the Nominee’s work history and her superior contributions or achievements in her profession. Be specific and describe any obstacles or challenges she overcame which make her unique (1 to 2 paragraphs). (Maximum 1300 characters)

    Question 2: Please cite specific examples of how the Nominee contributes to her community [volunteer, civic, etc] and how she serves as a role model for others (1 to 2 paragraphs). (Maximum 750 characters)

    Question 3: Please list 3 to 5 attributes which describe the characteristics or qualities of the Nominee. Maximum 120 characters.

    By clicking ‘submit’, you are submitting this candidate for review and you agree that all information is accurate. A Committee Representative will be in touch with you via email within 48 hours.

    Review Process

    The Committee, representing a cross-section of business and community leaders, will review all Nominee information submitted.  The YWCA reserves the right to make final decisions about Honoree candidates, and all decisions are final.

    The 2014 Honoree List will be communicated to Honorees and Nominators Friday, April 4, 2014.

    Important Information

    • Honorees and Nominators only attend a special reception from 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. immediately prior to the luncheon on Thursday, May 15, 2014 with YWCA Executive Staff and Board Members.
    • Luncheon guests (spouse, family, friends & colleagues) may make and pay for reservations by visiting www.ywcalawrence.org, selecting ‘Tribute’ and selecting Attend the Event.
    • While there are no fees to make a nomination, all Nominators pay for their luncheon reservation at $50. The YWCA pays for all Honoree luncheons. Often, Nominators purchase a sponsorship or a congratulatory ad.

    Questions? Please email Susan McNeff.

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